It is so exciting to see what the Lord is doing in our church and in the lives of children.
We believe that every boy and girl should be shown the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. In the GBC Children’s Ministry, your children are shown the love of Christ through Bible lessons that are geared to their own age group, dedicated helpers who are screened and trained, and Christian songs that are exciting and educating. Organized Sunday School, energetic Children’s Church, and AWANA make Grace Baptist Church a wonderful place in which a child can grow!
Sunday School
Sunday at 10 AM
Three years old-6th grade
Each class is divided by age and is specifically tailored for your child’s understanding. They will enjoy a fun Bible lesson with other kids their age.
Children's Church
Sunday at 11 AM
Three years old-10 years old
Meeting during our morning worship service, Children’s Church provides an opportunity for children to sing, give, and learn valuable Bible truths.
Wednesday at 6:30 PM
Three years old-6th grade
AWANA is a great opportunity for children, three years old through sixth grade, to learn about God while having a blast with other kids their age. AWANA is a children discipleship program with a goal that our children might come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. Held on Wednesday nights at 6:30 during the school year, this AWANA is filled with fun games, challenges, and exciting Bible lessons. Our desire is that our children are instilled with important Bible knowledge that will last them for a lifetime.
All services
Newborn-three years old
We welcome you and your child to this ministry of our church. Our nursery is for infants and toddlers up to four years old. We join with you in a vitally important task: the nurturing of your child’s development.
It is astonishing how few years a child is in the home and how little time our church has to minister to them as children. Our prayer is for each child to grow up in a Christian home, and for each of us to exhibit understanding and cooperation as we work together for the good of your child. Loving nursery workers provide a clean and safe environment with a state of the art security and paging system. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of the adult Bible classes or one of the worship services.
Pager & Security System
Grace Baptist Church has implemented a number of safety features and security measures to ensure that your child will have a safe, enjoyable experience while you attend our services. We use a numbered pager and sign-in/sign-out system for check in and check out to ensure only someone you authorize can pick up your child. Volunteers who work with children are carefully interviewed, screened, and trained.

The teen years can be confusing, difficult, and challenging. But they can also be awesome!
Through Sunday classes, outreach, monthly activities, annual trips, retreats, and programs, the teens at GBC are challenged and equipped to live for Christ while they are in their youth. Each year, the teens can look forward to camps, trips, outreach events, fun activities, and many opportunities to grow in God’s Word. We do everything within our power to provide the Bible-based wisdom that teens need, combined with the friendly atmosphere that teens enjoy!
Sunday School
Sunday at 10 AM
7th-12th grade
Wednesday at 6:30 PM
7th-12th grade
Impact Youth Ministry is a fun environment where teenagers have the chance to learn about having a relationship with God while enjoying great friendships with other teenagers that love the Lord. Impact offers many ways for teens to get involved including activities, Wednesday night Bible study, outreach, Sunday school, summer camp, and much more. The young people are taught practical truths from God's Word about living for God in a tough generation. Every teenager is welcome at Impact!