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Reopening Guidelines

UPDATED May 30, 2021



UPDATE:  According to the CDC,  fully vaccinated people "can resume activities without wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance." For more information, you can read the CDC guidelines.



UPDATE: In compliance with the PHASE 3 guidelines provided by the State of Connecticut, we will no longer need to RSVP before services because our average attendance will fall well below the maximum capacity determined by Connecticut's regulations. In addition, as of September 30, 2020, our Wednesday evening services have resumed.



We will resume meeting together on the church property on Sunday, June 7, 2020. 


We will be taking a phased approach to reopening starting with one service at 11:00 a.m. You must RSVP on our website to reserve your spot as we will be limited to 100 people in attendance per the governor’s guidance.


Our Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services will still be offered online as well as our video-conferencing Connection Groups and Impact for teens.


We will not have a nursery or children’s church at first to allow our church family to become familiar with our social distancing and safety measures.  The church family will be notified when the children’s church and nursery become available.  


If you are considered at risk or have any personal concerns with attending church on property, you may wish to continue to join us online. Our sermons will continue to be available on Facebook or our website. 


No one should attend services who is infected with COVID-19 or is known to have had any contact with a known COVID-19 confirmed case within the past two weeks. Additionally, No one should attend services who is waiting for test results for COVID-19.


If you or anyone in your family is sick or showing any symptoms of illness, we ask that you please stay home.


Masks should be worn by those age 5 and over when a distance of six feet cannot be maintained (those with medical conditions that do not allow masks to be worn or those under age 5 are exempt).


Our ushers will seat and dismiss each family together in the auditorium in order to maintain a distance of six feet. All children will be seated with parents or guardians to preserve total seating space. All sections of the auditorium will be opened to facilitate distancing measures.


Doors will be propped open to eliminate the need to touch the door surfaces.


Offering plates will not be passed. Plates will be available upon exiting the auditorium for you to place your offering in. You may also use online giving.


Bulletins will not be passed out. Announcements will be made during the service and will be visible on the screens before and after the services.


No food or coffee will be available.


The church will use an EPA-approved disinfectant to help sanitize the facilities before each service.


Please observe the following practices:


  • Wash your hands prior to attending the service and after you leave

  • Maintain a distance of six feet from others

  • Please stay home if you currently have a fever or have had one within the past 72 hours per CDC guidelines

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes

  • Please refrain from handshaking or hugging


***Grace Baptist Church is taking necessary precautions by cleaning, sanitizing, and social distancing. We cannot completely eliminate the risk of exposure, however. By participating in this activity, you are assuming risk that may result in exposure to infectious and communicable diseases.*** 

Reopening Guidelines for NURSERY

UPDATED Saturday, September 5 


No child should enter the nursery who is known to have had any contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case within the past two weeks or who currently has a fever or has had a fever within the last 72 hours.


The church will sanitize the facilities before each service.


The door to the nursery will remain open.


Workers will wash hands upon arriving at the nursery and practice frequent hand washing according to current Connecticut guidelines. If time does not allow for hands to be washed, hand sanitizer may be used. We will also wash each child’s hands upon arrival.


Please maintain a distance of 6 feet apart while dropping off or picking up your child.


Children will remain in their designated play areas for the service and not move between sections (unless their diaper is being changed).


Only scheduled workers will be allowed to stay in the nursery.


Nursing moms may use the nursing room.



***Grace Baptist Church is taking necessary precautions by cleaning, sanitizing, and social distancing. We cannot completely eliminate the risk of exposure, however. By participating in this activity, you are assuming risk that may result in exposure to infectious and communicable diseases.***

Reopening Guidelines for CHILDREN'S CHURCH

UPDATED Saturday, September 5 


No child should attend services who is known to have had any contact with a known COVID-19 confirmed case within the past two weeks.


Masks should be worn by those age 5 and over when a distance of six feet cannot be maintained.


Our workers will sit in the back of the auditorium so that they can help the children when they are dismissed from the auditorium into the fellowship hall for the children’s church service.


Doors will be opened and shut by an usher or worker.


At dismissal time, parents are asked to come to the door located at the back of the auditorium.  We will dismiss your children to you and then exit through the door that leads to the foyer. Please maintain a distance of six feet apart while waiting to pick up your child.


The church will sanitize the facilities before each service.


Children and workers should observe the following practices:


  • Wash hands prior to attending the service and after leaving

  • Maintain a distance of six feet from others

  • Stay home if they currently have a fever or have had one within the past 72 hours per CDC guidelines

  • Cover coughs and sneezes



***Grace Baptist Church is taking necessary precautions by cleaning, sanitizing, and social distancing. We cannot completely eliminate the risk of exposure, however. By participating in this activity, you are assuming risk that may result in exposure to infectious and communicable diseases.***

September 10 UPDATE
Saturday, June 6, 2020 UPDATE
Thursday, March 19, 2020 UPDATE
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Saturday, March 14, 2020


Church family,


In consideration of the current health problem in our nation, services for Sunday, March 15, and Wednesday, March 18 have been cancelled. Pastor will issue a statement to the church family next week addressing how the church will deal with this situation in the coming weeks. Please use the "give" tab at the top of the page if you would like to give online or mail your offering to the church.


The church is encouraged to pray for our nation’s leaders as they make decisions that impact the lives of so many. We should also remember that God has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!


Grace Baptist Church leadership


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